Do breed restrictions in apartments protect residents, or do they unfairly penalize responsible pet owners and their beloved companions? The debate over breed restrictions in rental properties has long divided communities and property managers alike.

As attitudes towards pet ownership continue to shift, it is essential to assess whether these restrictions serve a beneficial purpose or if they are outdated practices that should be reconsidered.

What are Breed Restrictions?

Breed restrictions are rules set by landlords or property management companies that prohibit the ownership of certain dog breeds within their properties. These restrictions typically target breeds perceived as aggressive or dangerous, including Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, German Shepherds, and Chow Chows. Historically, these policies are based on several key factors, including:

Insurance Requirements

Some insurance policies mandate breed restrictions to reduce liability risks.

Concerns About Aggression

There is a perceived higher risk of aggression and potential injuries associated with certain breeds.

Liability Concerns

Landlords implement these restrictions to mitigate liability and protect themselves and their residents from potential incidents.

Legal Considerations for Property Owners

When dealing with breed restrictions, property owners need to understand the different laws at the federal, state, and local levels. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) requires non-discrimination in housing but doesn't specifically address breed discrimination. This means local governments can create their own rules, which can be quite different from place to place. Additionally, there are exceptions for service animals and Emotional Support Animals (ESAs), which aren't subject to the same restrictions as pets.

Pros and Cons of Implementing Breed Restrictions

Implementing breed restrictions in rental properties comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here's a look at both sides:


Liability Reduction

Limiting breeds perceived as aggressive may reduce the chance of bites or attacks, potentially lowering liability for property owners

Insurance Benefits

Some insurance companies offer lower premiums for properties without high-risk breeds.


Some residents feel more secure in a community where they perceive the dogs as less aggressive.


Discrimination Issues

Breed restrictions can lead to discrimination claims, impacting the property's reputation.

Resident Limitation

By restricting certain breeds, properties may lose out on responsible residents who own these dogs.

Legal Challenges

Breed restrictions can lead to legal challenges, particularly from residents whose animals are assistance animals.

Alternatives to Breed Restrictions

Instead of breed-specific policies, property owners can consider other measures:

Behavior Assessments and Pet Interviews

Evaluating an individual animal's behavior provides a better risk assessment than the breed alone.

Size and Weight Restrictions

These can be more relevant metrics for managing pet-related risks.

Strict Pet Policies and Training Requirements

Enforcing policies about leashing, waste management, and requiring pet training can mitigate risks.

Responsible Animal Training Programs

Services like OurPetPolicy can help to provide responsible animal owner training.

Evaluating an individual animal's behavior provides a better risk assessment than the breed alone.

Practical Tips for Property Owners

Property owners addressing the complex issue of breed restrictions should:

Evaluate Necessity

Assess whether breed restrictions benefit the specific property based on historical incidents and resident feedback.

Clear Communication

Ensure that all pet policies are clearly communicated to current and prospective residents.

Insurance Consultation

Discuss with insurance providers about the implications of breed restrictions and potential alternatives.

Support Responsible Pet Ownership

Provide residents with resources and support to encourage responsible behavior among pet owners.

Assess whether breed restrictions benefit the specific property based on historical incidents and resident feedback.


Deciding whether to implement breed restrictions in rental properties is complex and involves weighing the potential benefits against the drawbacks. While enhancing safety and reducing liability are valid goals, the effectiveness and fairness of breed-specific restrictions remain debated. Ultimately, a balanced approach that promotes responsible pet ownership and considers the unique needs and circumstances of your property may be the most beneficial for both property owners and residents.

For questions regarding breed restrictions at your property, please contact us here.

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